At the end of the line lies your most precious asset: The consumer.

Whether it is a corporation or an individual it has become a priority for them to use products that are Clean & Safe. With all the mishaps that occurred in the past few years trust in manufacturing corporations has raised great scrutiny and companies now have to substantiate their claims with positive actions.

In the production chain numerous products are incorporated in the operations and each one of them can potentially become a hazard to your product and to the consumer that ends up using it.

Even though most consumers are more concerned about food products the damages caused by other types of products are as marmful to a company's reputation. Television manufacturers of different brand names are currently facing major customer satisfaction problems due to the fact that unreliable bulbs may have been supplied to these manufacturers.

In this particular situation all these complaints are directed towards the manufacturer of the electronic product but they claim the problem resides with the bulb manufacturer. Regardless for all these complaints to arise is unhealthy for these corporations and it is an understatement that they would have preferred not to have to deal with this problem. There is obviously an outside element that is causing the quality of the product to deteriorate once in the hands of the consumer.

But when you look further into it, if the real problem comes from the bulbs themselves, it is now two different types of consumers that suffer from the consequences of a defect. The electronic manufacturer is the consumer of the bulb company and the end-user of the television set is the consumer of the electronics manufacturer. This illustrates how a mishandling during the transformation cycle can turn into significant damages for everyone involved in the process.

For any company it is critical to preserve the quality of their product until it reaches its client. It takes decades to build a reputable brand and one single overlooked detail to destroy it. Examples like the ones mentioned above can be found everywhere. Ask any of these companies what they would do different if they could turn back time, and somewhere in their answers you would find the words "keep our customers."

The consumer is for a company what the source is to the well. If a company doesn't take proper measures to protect its source inevitably its well will go dry.